Welcome to my basic web project. I hope that everything you find within this site to be at least somewhat interesting and that you can find this web site somewhat easy to navigate. I have created a web site that illustrates a few of my hobbies, interests, and current activities.
While this is not the first time that I have created a web site, this is the most intricate and involved web site to date that I have created. With luck (and more work than I am anticipating) I will continue to generate web sites with this much detail.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the rest of the site and find that at least some of it is at least a little informative.
The image map below should help you get to the places you need to go to enjoy this web site However, if you prefer, you could just as easily use the menu on the left side of the screen to navigate through this web site
For the rest of my web site, the technical information for grading purposes, here are a couple of other links. |
This link leads to some of the influences on my web site design from other web sites |