
Welcome to the photography section of my web site. Here I have decided to showcase some examples of the kinds of photographs I have taken in the past.

I have been studying photography for the past three years and am currently minoring in photography. While I have studied at the University of Denver and at Woodward Academy, I still feel that I have a long way to go before I become a good photographer. However, with every picture and photograph I gain valuable experience that only helps me to improve upon my current techniques and develop my skills.

Here are some examples of some of the photographs I have taken in the past.

Black and White photography.
Color photography.


Here are a couple of sites I would recommend for people interested in photography:

Masters of Photography

This is a site about different photographers. It is a helpful resource for those people who are interested in learning more about photography.
Jerry N. Uelsmann
Jerry Uelsmann is my favorite photographer. After you visit his web site, you will be able to see why.


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