Key - The Metal Idol

What the studios think about this title:

Will you be one of Key’s friends? Her classmates at school called her Key, as in the key to a strange mystery. Key’s grandfather was a kindly old scientist wanting to use his skill in robotics to create peace and love in the world. But when that kindly old scientist passed away, poor Key was left behind, lacking even the ability to smile. There still is hope, however - a message left behind for Key suggests a fantastic possibility. Could it really be possible for Key to become a real, live human, if she can only win the love of 30,000 people?
A dark, haunting tale of cybernetic sci-fi dreams, spiritual visions and the turbulent world of Japanese pop music, Key The Metal Idol will haunt and amaze you.

For anyone interested in trying some anime, this title is very non-offensive. It is good title with a good story, but it can be difficult to follow at times. I would recommend this title to people that may not watch anime very often. This is just a good solid anime title.

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