Front Mission 3


Front Mission 3 is a Mech based game that is a little bit different than most mech-based games. In most mech-based games, the video game player sits in the pilot seat and pilots the various mecha through different missions and scenarios. In this game, you use the mechs more like chess pieces in a strategy based game. Instead of piloting the mechs, one simply commands what each mech that is under his or her control what to do in a turn-based style of play.


Front Cover to The Front Mission 3 Video Game.

While Front Mission 3 is the first Front Mission game to reach the US market, it is by no means the first game to carry the Front Mission title. This video game is one in a very popular series in Japan. Because of the popularity of the video game, a toy company has decided to release toys based on some of the most popular mecha from the series.

The toys that have been released are all very high quality toys with many points of articulation and highly detailed painted surfaces. This line of toys would be a good example of the current trend in toys to make such high quality toys, that they look almost like statues.

Below is an image gallery to one of the toys released in this line of toys from the Front Mission 3 video game.


A four-legged Mech

Click on this image to see the image gallery of this Mecha.